Reverse Bleeding Your Brake System

Looking for the perfect brake bleeder tool for your bike? BrakeCrafters has just released an easy-to-use hand pump system that makes this usually tricky job a one-man operation in 20 minutes or less with no mess to clean up afterward. The BrakeCrafters Reverse Bleeding Kit is now available from, Amazon, and eBay.



so now we'll just use the rears its assemblies what we'll do is right so where we're gonna start is all the stuff that you're going to need to reverse bleed so we need to also like to do just go through this is our reverse bleeding care it's a hundred milliliter syringe and then for that icon Holmes onto the levers because what you always want to try to is keep a nice straight line coming all the way up to the syringe so that the air travels up again you can hook back onto the peg onto the gear lever so you can always keep it nice and upright so that the air bubbles are always coming up it going what I need to do is then take off the seat and side cover to give me access so that reservoir come just in there so give me a moment I'll get back to you you so now that we've got the seat off got the tank lifted Jeff will take the tank up a little bit just so you can get the side panel off we now have access to the reservoir cup yes you can see fairly guns you're looking a fluid in there now a length of hose because obviously all sorts of different bikes like the big enduros with long Forks motocross etc but ideally what you want to have is the shortest piece of Holmes as possible with the four-foot I've just cut off ten inches here which is just gonna work great for the rear caliper the front yeah you can keep the 3-foot so you can hook it up onto the levers and stuff but ideally try and keep it because it means that you have less fluid in the system it's easier to bleed through less waste and stuff like that so that's what we want to do first off with the hose make sure you've got a plunger all the way push down see if you haven't got that pushed on fully what it can do if you're putting it at an angle it can roll off so you want to get that slowly on if you already see a bit of fluid coming out and then suction fluid just coming so we doing she's just creating a constant vacuum isolation and then what you do is you'll start to hear it's sucking through the rest of my cup it's really helped it's just he racing now so you see the air bubbles this is what right having it so it's clear and then it fits directly onto the bleed nipple now what this will be doing is taking all the fluid here at the reservoir cup now the master cylinder or you still will find if you're gonna strip your caliper out is that you still will have some fluid still remaining in the caliper so do expect that down flush to the top it's no more in there a little bit what's worth such a vacuum release this okay so now I want to do is it's a tip number one is putting some PTFE tape around the bleeding ball thread because what you'll find is if you're either sucking it out or pushing it into the system it will try and work its way around the threads so here you can see the PTFE tape it's only on threads not near the nipple just like they around the threads and what that does is make a nice seal it's because if you're sucking it will blowing it what will happen is the fluid or air will try and get around the threads it's just a little bit of PTFE tape just around the thread now what I do is my mommy climbing all the way up crack it off okay okay next step fresh clean brake fluid okay now again with the shoreline making sure that you plunger out this all the way in you want to suck up some fresh fluid and I was it feel like a rear brake system you're gonna want about 40 milliliters France it's normally gonna be a little bit more about 50 to 60 because they've got longer length on that hoses that should be I again all the way on big nipples open and then you just put pressure on the system and what's great just watch the markers go through holy that's 35 like so just use your thumb feed it in there what you find is you'll get to a point stop going through try and show it to you but you can actually see the air coming out of the system in the reservoir cup down about 20 so we put half of it in there fluids coming up any bubbles come out all right now on the rest wake up what you want to try and do is take it almost to the top so just keep putting it in and you will get just almost to the top of God generally still left now I'll just try and show you where we're at okay so as we can see I've got it filled virtually to the top my quarter top just virtually to the top but just at this point this is what you want need to do is just pull back that last bit and if we focus in just down here we should see some air come out oopsie they'll get into this a bit more oh yeah you always get some air trapped into the system there okay and then we'll close that off and then we'll just get set it up so the final part which is probably the most important part okay set the reverse bleed and get all the lines up and we're going to do a traditional bleed all hydraulic brake systems were designed to be bled through in this direction exiting out of the caliper so if you try and push the fluid in you will find that you'll get traps air traps stuck in there if we check see see we haven't got nothing but what we'll do is now see just here where we've got the line in a vertical direction this is important because it'll have the air coming up then what we're gonna do is the old fashioned so systems locked pressure push through I do is keep an eye on just down here watch the air bubbles coming out so down push and close see how the air bubbles are coming up and now so we repeat this until we pretty much get halfway down through on the reservoir cut so again push leader see we're coming out close bleeder and just repeat push can we see all the air coming out up here excellent you see it's beginning to thin out now man was getting more solid getting a lot less air make sure we keep an eye on the wrists what there's more gonna empty out now now you can actually feel the outbreak pressure again couple more stops there see that through until it comes down to that bubble level on the reason why you see egg coming out hice right thank you so I've cleaned pounded a video informative and helpful if not always give us a call Craster's calm and that's where we have the break crafters reverse bleeding King also search break Arthur's reverse bleeding kid on either eBay or Amazon and that will bring a player and any questions like please do feel free to give us a break partners thank you very much

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